EXPERIENCE, CRISIS, AND A. Brazauskas reverence
Finally, in 2009 we nebegirdime than the one who claimed that the crisis does not exist, or the crisis of our environment and it is in Nepal. Many recall how Kirkilas any time in the television screens in people Finally, in 2009 we nebegirdime than the one who claimed that the crisis does not exist, or the crisis of our environment and it is in Nepal. Many recall how Kirkilas any time in the television screens in people argued that the crisis is not any!
Today, many try to dig in - the opposition - silent - even if it betrūktų themselves to recognize the fear started to persuade others that the real crisis we outperformed.
O ištiktųjų gąsdindami each other at the terrible words, we forget that in this economic hole, all hollow. All of this means all the world, and this crisis is a global phenomenon. I think all understand that the global economy fell by no Kirkilas on the decisions taken.
How many earn the President? President of Lithuania, or the salary?
Submitted by A.V on Tue, 01/27/2009 - 21:21.As the Lithuanian presidential election approaching, I think many conceived and how they earn LR President
Maybe the answer to this question will become clearer to us why so many people's way into these positions. What is it? Way to satisfy your ego? The aim of his autobiography to cut another line? (Candidate for President of the Republic of Lithuania - did not sound good?)
All have heard about NEEDS PIRAMIDĖ - rementis this theory Lithuania people making this post is :
• People seeking to meet their needs fizeologinius - mindless of the state, their goal of Lithuanian President taught salary
• People seeking to secure their own safety
• Browse incomes sufficient, secure financial stability for themselves and their children - in this case, the main purpose of self - need to be recognized, the desire to escape by any means
D. Grybauskaite gay? NO! I am not a lesbian
All the half-mouth spoke of a possible non-traditional Grybauskaité sexual orentaciją.
Total to start V. Žuko speech. O and the D. Grybauskaite often determined by the following sentences, which can be interpreted in different ways. On the other hand, if people hear what you wish to hear, not what they say?
All have heard the words during the press konferrencija "... I always was different , another school, another at work ........ "
We also remember the press made mention of friendship with another woman.
A number of intriguing and very high public interest ....
Finally, D. Grybauskaite organized Delfi conference responded to all the interesting questions.
When asked whether the Dalia Grybauskaite gay, it just pale replied that it is not a lesbian.